Byron Katie
"Stress is an alarm clock that lets you know you're attached to something that's not true for you."
Byron Katie
"Close some doors today. Not because of pride, incapacity or arrogance, but simply because they lead you nowhere."
Paulo Coelho "Empowerment is a process. There are no shortcuts. You must heal [your] wounds and triggers so you can recontextualize your pain and suffering and step fully into your power!"
Cyrstal Andrus Morissette "If you are working on something exciting that you really care about, you don't have to be pushed. The vision pulls you." Steve Jobs
"When someone leaves, it's because someone else is about to arrive." Paulo Coelho
"If I'm passionate about something, I always know that I'm meant to do it. Excitement about something always means that you're aligned with who you really are! Christiane Northrup, M.D.
"Sometimes surrender means giving up trying to understand, and becoming comfortable with not knowing."
Eckhart Tolle "When we least expect it, life sets us a challenge to test our courage and willingness to change; at such a moment, there is no point in pretending that nothing has happened or in saying that we are not ready. The challenge will not wait. Life does not look back." Paulo Coelho
"Stress is an alarm clock that lets you know you're attached to something that's not true for you."
Byron Katie "Today you have two choices where forgiveness is concerned. One, continue to be angry and miserable, or two, forgive, let go and be happy. Forgiveness leads to joy and peace of mind." Gabrielle Bernstein
November 2024