Colette Baron-Reid
"We're so afraid of the consequences of being our true selves that we develop these different ways of managing ourselves with other people. It may work to protect you for a short time, but eventually, as you mature and grow older, those masks have to go. Becoming your authentic self is a process ... an invitation to do some shadow work and discover who you really are."
Colette Baron-Reid
"Open your ears, open your heart, and listen. When you hear your heart guiding you to your happiness, make a choice to stick to it."
don Miguel Ruiz "All pure emotions simply come and simply go. The only thing that makes an emotion stay is telling yourself a story about it, or wasting time analyzing it, or listening to mind-talk about it."
Brandon Bays "From now on, I choose peace. Whatever I do and wherever I go, I will not let the negative energy get to me, my heart, and my mind. I let go of all the frustration and stress that have accumulated so far. I don't have the space for bitterness and doubts. I am happy and at peace with my inner self."
#5d_awakening_consciousness "Thoughts and words are energy. They do have a physical power."
#lawoflight "Remember, today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday."
Dale Carnegie "Life is about management of energy. Where you place your attention is where you place your energy."
Dr. Joe Dispenza "When you hold resentment toward another, you are bound to that person or condition by an emotional link that is stronger than steel. Forgiveness is the only way to dissolve that link and get free."
Catherine Ponder "No more making yourself smaller to fit in. No more hiding the best colors of you.
Stand out. Make waves. Try things. Be you. The world doesn't need the muted version of you, it needs the truest and most authentic you." Nikki Banas "If we give in to fear and react with a strong emotion, we never get to the point of transforming that energy into something else."
Dr. Joe Dispenza |
November 2024