Radleigh Valentine
"Gratitude and constant action are seeds of dreams."
Radleigh Valentine
"For every beginning, there is an end. If you are going through a dark chapter in your life right now, that will end too because a new beginning is waiting for you."
Roger Lee "Don't forget that even when life gets hard and you feel like giving up, there is a future that you haven't seen yet. Stay strong, believe in yourself and never stop moving forward."
Roger Lee "Today I send love and light out into the world."
Diana Cooper "When you feel overwhelmed, remember: a little at a time is how it gets done. One thing, one task, one moment at a time."
Unknown "... What happens is of little significance compared with the stories we tell ourselves about what happens. Events matter little, only stories of events affect us."
Rabih Alameddine "Whenever you say, 'I am' anything, you're commanding your mind and your body towards a destiny."
Dr. Joe Dispenza "Healing brings change, and change means new energy, new situations, new dynamics will appear."
leeharrisenergy How stored emotions block your chakras:
Blocked crown: Lack of focus, stubbornness, close minded Blocked 3rd eye: Lack of imagination, poor connection to self Blocked throat: Difficulty with self expression and speaking your mind Blocked heart: Difficulty acknowledging your emotions, tendency to mask reality for comfort Blocked solar plexus: Low self esteem and self confidence Blocked sacral: Lack of creativity, joy, and pleasure Blocked root: Poor relationship with money from spiritual.healing.truth "Everything in your life is a reflection of a choice you have made. If you want a different result, make a different choice."
Face the Reality |
November 2024