What is your story?
Is the story you are telling one of passion, love, and peace or is it one of pity, anger and resentment? What beliefs are holding you back? What repetitive thoughts live in your mind? Let's work together to discover your story and change it!
A balanced life includes a good portion of: Spirituality, Creativity, Financial Abundance, Career, Education, Health, Physical Activity, Home Cooking, A Loving Home Environment, Relationships, Social Life, and Joy. Every life, in theory, should have a happy balance of these elements. If any of these elements are lacking, your life may not be working the way you want it to. Together we can work to bring these elements back into balance.
It is my firm belief (even this is a belief!) that our beliefs, our thoughts, our perceptions, and our stories set the tone for our lives. They guide our actions and enhance or harm our relationships. Some of our beliefs and stories are born early in life, while others develop over a lifetime. These beliefs and stories are often limiting and hold us back. There is an epidemic in today's world, largely as a result of the media, of societal expectations and of our early years, that we are inadequate, that we are not enough. Don't believe it! You are worthy of the best that life can bring to you. Through coaching techniques and the Belief Closet process, we can work to change those beliefs that lie deep in your subconscious and affect your life.